Lucky Bamboo Kokedama Care

Koke and Twine Lucky Bamboo Kokedamas are easy to care for however, they still require some love and attention. Follow the steps below to ensure your lucky bamboo kokedama lives a happy and long life.

Your lucky bamboo plant is healthiest when it’s a vibrant green. 

It should be kept somewhere that is bright but not exposed to direct sunlight all day. 

Bamboo plants don’t have a fragrance like flowers do, but if they haven’t been watered properly, they can grow bacteria and develop a stink.

Depending on the temperature where your lucky bamboo kokedama is kept will depend on how much care it requires. 

Many bamboo plants are grown hydroponically, just in water with small rocks or pebbles to hold the stalks in place. This kokedama version has a combination of speciality soil and moss. 

To keep the lucky bamboo healthy it’s important to check to make sure that the soil is moist, but not soaked. 


Pick up the kokedama and feel the weight and texture.

If it is light and dry place in a bowl of clean water for 5 minutes. When you take it out you may need to allow the excess water to drain before putting back into position.

If it is heavy and damp – it should be fine to leave for a one-two weeks.

If it is in-between these – leave it and check in another week.


Sometimes the ends of your leaves might turn yellow. This could be caused by a few factors: you plant isn’t getting enough water or too much direct sunlight. You can trim off the yellow parts, or remove the whole leaf.

Click here for PDF care sheet.

For more information on Lucky Bamboo there are a bunch of great articles on the internet, here is one from Den Garden to get you started.