Aloe Vera Kokedama Care

Koke and Twine Aloe Vera Kokedamas are easy to care for however, they still require some love and attention. Follow the steps below to ensure your aloe kokedama lives a happy and long life.

A healthy aloe vera plant has leaves that are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks on their upper and lower stem surfaces.

This species is often used for decorative purposes and grows successfully both indoors and outside, provided it receives a touch of care.


Aloe vera kokedama plants should be allowed to completely dry before rewatering. During winter, Aloe vera may become dormant and require less watering however, this does depend on the temperature where the kokedama is displayed.

  • Pick up the kokedama and feel the weight and texture.
  • If it is light and completely dry place in a bowl of clean water for 5 minutes. When you take it out you may need to allow the excess water to drain before putting back into position.
  • If it is heavy and damp – it should be fine to leave for a one-two weeks.
  • If it is in-between these – leave it and check in another week.

Care information

In kokedama, this species requires well-drained, sandy potting soil and bright, sunny conditions. Aloe plants can burn under too much sun or shrivel when the pot does not drain water. This enable good drainage. With the aloe vera kokedama we’ve use a high quality commercial propagation mix suitable for cacti and succulent mix. During winter, Aloe vera may become dormant, during which little moisture is required. In areas that receive frost or snow, the species is best kept indoors.

Click here for PDF care sheet.

More Information

There’s heaps of information on the internet regarding aloe vera but here is one of our favourites from  MindBodyGreen to get you started.